Refuse/d words built into infinite forms of bodies. This collection is unedited; done in one sitting; sometimes daily, frequently infrequent.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sometimes imagination really takes you by the (metaphorical) balls and demands you wake up.

Every Body makes art,
Covering canvasas
Typing, touching-
No museums or publishers
You imagine the undulating relief of the forest;
The dark, gabled houses of endless asking;
The filling of empty boxes with the trinkets of memory;
The future that moves like dunes, wind in the Sahara;
The possibilities of man and woman;
Daily navigations of disaster and discretion:
You are worthy of the finest receptions
The champagne and congratulations
You are the center of genius and creation
Everyday, without exception.
You make your own escape
From the windowless rooms of have to
And can’t do, and you do it with the truest color.

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