Refuse/d words built into infinite forms of bodies. This collection is unedited; done in one sitting; sometimes daily, frequently infrequent.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturday commute community

Sloppy students late night
after work I want to tell them
I'm coming home from WORK
get off my train.
Then I tell myself to be patient
because I am only two years out
and I must have been sloppy sometimes.
Like that time I threw up in a trashcan
at Kenmore and as I did it I thought
"I am THAT girl." Or when I walked across Boulder barefoot in the rain
because I did not give a fuck
and my feet hurt.
And I think about how tiring it is
to talk mindlessly
and how walking home alone is easiest. 
and how I got this way is giving homage
to time, and pain, and time. 
And freedom whispers, is mist until
your spirit is crisp specific and true
and that takes loss, the recognition of
the one start and one finish that exists.
Birth, death.  In between is simply breath.
And each breath is you.
But I am still on the train, 
it is still late
and I regret not taking the bus until I realize
ALL public transport has been infected 
with the Boston University virus
which tends to emerge in one of two broad
categories of bacteria:
Skank and Bro. 
They'll get it, eventually,
and eventually I won't care anymore
but just at that moment I want to cry
and slap a few of them
shake them like their fathers used to
and ask: "what the hell are you doing? Don't you know that's not safe? Don't you know?"

1 comment:

  1. I like this because you've never written anything like it before. It's exactly how emotions work I guess - waves - peaks of trite anger followed by troughs of sobering awareness and then back to the peaks.
