Refuse/d words built into infinite forms of bodies. This collection is unedited; done in one sitting; sometimes daily, frequently infrequent.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It is not
calling aloud
to god that makes
god open one eye
from infinite rest.

Setting off alarms--

bodies falling into
the clean, ravenous
space beneath cliffs

too young mothers
birthing purple babies

teeth without meat,
lips without balm

war, war, and hate--

These things break
life but do not
invite reverberations
from the oldest foundations.

It is satin silence,

the touch of chimes
moved by breeze
on back porches

Bodies sheltering bodies
waiting for the bus

In imagination-
taking space and shaping
it temporarily, forever

seeing the ghost shape
of birch trees against
winter skies

It is planted in the stomach,
(the deepest part)
that does not bleed
or die or change.

The smallness
of strength is

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