Refuse/d words built into infinite forms of bodies. This collection is unedited; done in one sitting; sometimes daily, frequently infrequent.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


tied tongue
            the beef of teeth
                        gnashing at relief

stilled time
            the stop top
                        feel that climb

towards the craving caving inconsistent
weave.  Break and sneeze through
to the sweet softness of singing.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

shutter stop, and vanish

very suddenly
            I missed you today
My eyes became green and wet.
The city
and spare,
use-empty time ticked away
tiny images of you in succession.
They came skipping
like old moving film
dulled color, composition
scratched up. Hello-
And goodbye, please,
           please come again. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

so many people

I receive you
            the human palm of a thousand years.
that true weight, soundless, sweet and stone-like
is familiar: I too have been here before. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Heaven weathers like
any pattering day rain
it crimsons the skin
with holy hope
and wastes away
like stale paintings