Two cups of sugar
Exactly three teaspoons of oil
Orange peel thinly sliced
Recipes skipped are plagued
With limpid failure.
Sticks of butter
Sweet pickles sorted out
Which plate needs to be filled
With pastry, protection.
Train track switcher
Timed and perfect
With gloved hands built
Spreading tar and busting nails
Supple strong, and used.
These are the imagined hands
Of an imagined man.
My to-do list is not epic:
It involves calling the plumber,
Emailing the insurance man,
And taking the dog for a pee before work.
A domestic paper trail is dull.
However, Ed the Plumber
Recently had a baby, a girl.
And he remarked on how my mother
Got a bang for her buck when she bought our
Dishwasher before I was born. His
Bag of tools is old, a chrome flashlight
Resting precariously on top. His brother
Came over and helped me move a dresser
Up three flights of stairs when I was alone
In the house and everything was dusty and
Hopeless and my hair was covered in plaster.
One night my stepmother and I had to bail out the kitchen
When a pipe burst -we ran those bowl fulls
Out the back the door like a fire line and it was the first time I really laughed
With her. Ed looks at the crusty tiles in the third floor bathroom, a swell like
pregnancy, a balloon of tap water tapped from the street or wherever tap
Water comes from a pump? Some sort of pump underneath the sidewalk like a mechanical heart beating? Each sewer like a tunnel a whole cityscape contained, ticking. And ticking.